Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy outlines how (“GameOki”) uses cookies on its website, (the “Websites”) and GameOki Account. By using our Websites and/or services, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Policy.

Definition of Terms

The terms “Us”, “Our”, “Ours” and “We”, as well as all other first-person pronouns, are used to refer to (“GameOki”), which owns, operates and maintains the Websites and GameOki Account.

The term “Websites” is used to refer to GameOki.

The terms “You”, “Your”, the “User”, as well as all other second-person pronouns, are used to refer to the user of the Websites and/or services provided by Us.

The term “GameOki  Account” refers to a login system operated and maintained by Us for users, players and developers.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are files or small pieces of data that We store on your computer, mobile phone or other internet enabled devices when You visit Our Websites. The use of cookies is intended to make Our Websites easier to use and to provide you with a personalized Web experience.

Cookies typically contain personal information resulting from Your own input on a website. Most often, when a cookie stores personal information, this information is coded in such a way that it is unreadable to any third party who happens to access Your cookie folder.

Technically, when used, cookies are downloaded to Your computer and stored on or transferred to Your hard drive while You are browsing our Websites.

How do cookies work?

When used, cookies are downloaded to Your computer and stored on or transferred to Your hard drive. Our Websites and Services may use session cookies and persistent cookies.

Session cookies: These are temporary cookie files which are erased when You close Your browser.

Persistent cookies: These stay in one of Your browser's sub-folders until You erase them or they expire.

What do We use cookies for?

Our Websites and Services may use cookies to personalize Your experience, tell Us which parts of Our Websites people have visited, help Us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give Us insights into user behavior so We can improve Our Websites and Services. This data does not give out any personal details. This collection of data is used for statistical analysis about our Website for use by Us.

Types of cookies We use:

  • Authentication: These cookies are used by web servers to know whether You are logged in or not and from which account You are logged in with. This cookie enables Us to provide You with a personalized web experience on Our Website.
  • Security and Integrity: These cookies enable Us to keep Our Website safe and secure. For example, they help Us protect You from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information We hold.
  • Site feature and Services: Site features and Services cookies are essential to enable the best web experience on Our Websites. For example, they enable Us to identify You as being logged in to Our Websites and remember the information You’ve entered during Your session on Our Website.
  • Performance: We use these cookies to enhance Your experience on Our Website and performance. These cookies collect information about how Our Website is used, for example, which pages You visit most often and where error messages are delivered. Such data does not give out any personal details. These cookies provide Us reports delivering statistics which help Us determine how visitors use Our Website, how they arrived on Our Website and how We can keep them coming back.
  • Localization: Localization cookies help Us provide You with a more personalized and localized experience. For that purpose, We may collect and store information that is located on Your browser or computer so You will see the Website in Your preferred language.

How can I control or disable cookies?

You may disable or clear cookies anytime. Please beware that because cookies are used throughout Our Websites, disabling or clearing cookies may prevent You from using certain parts of Our Websites and Services.

If you are using Google Chrome, to disable cookies:

  • Go to 'Tools Menu'
  • Click on 'Options'
  • Click on 'Under the Hood'
  • 'Cookie Setting' should be selected. Once done select 'Block all Cookies'
  • Now all cookies should be blocked on your Google Chrome

To clear existing cookies:

  • Go to 'Tools Menu'
  • Click on 'Options'
  • Click on 'Under the Hood'
  • Under 'Privacy' section select 'Show Cookies'
  • A new window should open called 'Cookies' In here you can see all the cookies within your Google Chrome Browser.
  • Click on 'Remove All' to remove all traces of cookies
  • If you wish to only remove a certain cookie, simply highlight and click 'Remove'

Other browsers

For other browsers, please see the relevant browser's support resources or guidelines.

Third-party cookies:

We use a number of third-party services that may also set cookies on Your computer on Our behalf when You visit Our Websites to allow them to deliver the services they are providing. For example, We are using third-party cookies for statistics.​
